

[yeah, baby!]

Well, we are headed to Kauai for spring break. It's been planned for over a year, but today I actually bit the bullet and made flight reservations. We got a pretty good deal considering it's over spring break - cheaper than when we went for Thanksgiving (low season) so that should say something about the state of the economy. It was just so hard to make a decision - last time I found tickets for half the price we paid. I was beyond mad about it...but it's a total crap shoot and we can't win them all I guess. I can say that the tickets are MUCH cheaper than they were when I started looking in December. It's just so much pricier to stay somewhere, rent a car and of course purchase airfare - as opposed to staying with a friend who will let you crash their place and have use of their car... that was the life in Oahu!

Anway it's a family vacation - one of the first REAL family vacations I've ever really had. My dad, stepmom and two younger sisters (ages 9 & 10 - if I did my math right...) live in Redding and my sister, bro-in-law and their little guy Jaden (3) from Oregon are all flying in. Should be good times! We've heard nothing but good things about Kauai so of course we are stoked!

[you'd think I'd learn to keep my
purse of of reach, but NOOOOO...]

Cameron is still into everything he can get his hands on. That includes the contents of my wallet, TWO days in a row.

He also managed to step on the touch screen of my phone this morning. Call the waaaaaambulance! My touch screen is now rendered useless :( I'm off to ebay to see if I can find a replacement. It was bound to happen eventually - he loves playing with it and the little godzilla walks all over everything. It's still so sad!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have insurance on your phone-through sprint? If so-they will send you a new one for $50. When my touch screen broke I was all confused on how to use the phone...It was rough-but I toughed it out for a few days before my new one arrived...good luck f.f.!


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