First off, after looking at the pictures I've come to the conclusion that I need to take more pictures when Keith's side of the family is around. What am I - embarrassed? It's so wierd how I don't take as many when certain people are around. Maybe the first step to fixing the problem is recognition...yes, I am starting my own 12-step program. pfft. :) Here are some of the good ones I did manage to snap - as you can see the weather was gorgeous!
Neil brought down a pseudo-paddle board to take on the river. It was VERY windy that day so it wasn't the easiest thing. It only took him a few minutes to get to the take out point of the river...these pictures are taken in the spot we met him at (ending the sentence with a preposition? tsk, tsk. - yes, I'm in a mood tonight)
Quality cousin time!
[laying with Sam while Natalie pulls]
[with Sam]
[Sean was sweet enough to let
Cam sit there while we took pics]

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