[Okay, you are walking down the street and don't
notice you've left your underwear on the ground? REALLY?!]
notice you've left your underwear on the ground? REALLY?!]
Today we went with half of the Thompson 6-pack to the SD zoo. We both had season passes and thought it would be a fun time. Yup, we were right. We took a ton of fun pictures and had a blast with Michael, Jannae and Baylee. Thanks, guys!

[I ♥ mommy and daddy!]
[Keith has a problem with being so serious all the time]
[me tarzan, you jane]
[these guys are definitely thinking this one over]
[looks like SOMEONE had an accident...]
[Baylee...this feature on my camera kept
us entertained for a very long time]
us entertained for a very long time]
[i think maybe you are starting to
see why the 4 of us get along so well...?]
see why the 4 of us get along so well...?]
[Yes, we're models. Jealous?]
[representing the thompson 6 pack...]
[Cameron ♥ Baylee]
[time to go!]
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