[for the scoop on NMM, check out MyCharmingKids.net]
No matter what happens, the following did NOT happen to our little family:
1. No I have not desperately been trying to fight off a cold last week. My body would never have given up and just let this bug take over. I did not seriously injure my back this evening during a violent sneeze.
2. We did not host a BBQ with the Millsoms for some of our friends Saturday. It did not turn out to be very fun and everything we wanted. Our friends are not awesome for showing up to our soiree.

[Michelle & Ev | Jannae wants the world to know
she can make this face and still be beautiful]

[Cam & Ev are sk8trs for life | what a gentleman pushing his lady along]
3. The girls did not take up walking this week and we did not undo all of our walk by going to the frozen yogurt shop. No way!
4. I am not irritated with myself for taking 194 pictures this weekend. Who does that? Seriously.
5. Sunday was not super busy. After church I would not have hurried home to get ready for Christina's baby shower (no, I was not sure if this day would ever come and not super happy that it will!) and leave early to go to Ainsley's first birthday party!
6. Ainsley's party was not at Tumble Tots and it was not so thoughtful of her parents to think of Cameron. Cameron did not have an awesome time there...and was definitely not running around nearly the entire 2 hours we were there! We do not want to publicly thank the Steins for hosting such a super-fun party! (No, they don't have 4 kids and definitely don't know how to throw an awesome birthday bash - I don't think they've had much practice :)
7. Cameron did not get the best "thanks for coming to my party" parting gift: a bubble stick! We did not spend nearly an hour in the yard after the party while he chased bubbles around. No way, Jose.
8. During the party I did not notice this cute little accessory on Sandy's camera. I do not covet one for myself...BADLY. I am not going to hold out for my birthday - HINT for the hubby! :)
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