
Just words

Okay, the last many posts have been just mostly pictures and it’s easy to get lost in the cuteness of our family. Ha! In reality, much has been happening in our lives and I’d like to share with those of you we don’t talk with much (but still care about in a big way!)

Jackson as now been both Baptized and Dedicated. Covered on all fronts :) We just want to give our kids to God and even though it’s a tad unconventional to do both, it was important to us. The baby is now 6.5 months old and is still a great joy to have around. I recently started having him cry it out at night – which I hate, hate, hate. But he is improving and I know it’s what he needs to learn to sleep in longer stretches.  Also starting to sit up on his own and making me very aware how fast kids will grow! He’s very happy, always smiling and overall just making me want a bajillion more. Which, by the way won’t ever happen. A bajillion is just too many.

Cameron has been an amazing kid lately. He’s learning great manners, does what we ask (usually, anyway) and is so fun right now. You might remember my earlier post of frustration with his behavior. Since then he’s improved dramatically. Not sure if he just snapped out of it, prayers, or the super cute (but desperately needed) hair cut he got. Seriously! It’s crazy how much better a haircut can make a person feel, maybe the same applies to kids, who knows!? Whichever the case, we are having a great time with him. He is amazing us daily with his “smartness” and funny personality.

Cuppa Yo has been taking huge strides lately. Situated in Bend, the town is surrounded by a variety of smaller towns (Google it if you need to). Our hometown of Redmond (~15 miles north) was snatched up by a competitor as we were in lease negotiations in that town, so that was a no go. Simultaneously, we decided to “lock-up” Bend by putting another location on the other side of town. That is now slated to open end-April or early-May *crossing our fingers!*

Anyway, we got wind that our Redmond competitor was looking in another nearby town of Sisters (very small ~2000 people but expands in to 50,000+ during the summer). And that was just the kick in the pants we needed to get on pursuing another spot in Sisters. That was Wednesday. By Thursday we looked at a spot, met the owner and within the next 24 hours we’ll be signing another lease!

It’s impossible to explain how many things lined up in order for this to happen in order to get Cuppa Yo in there instead of our competitor. Sometimes I have the hardest time understanding why God’s plan would be so amazing for my life. I’m just going to keep giving him props – because that’s where they SHOULD be going – and ride this out wherever it takes us. It’s been a crazy ride so far!

Thank you for reading. I promise next time to include pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Loved hearing what was going on with you all. I am so happy for you with your business and such. I just wish I lived out there to enjoy some fro-yo from y'all.
    Glad to hear the boys are well.
    God bless you all!


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