
Food is good!

Paula Deen has recently made food my friend. More my friend than ever before. My mom got me a cookbook of hers and my sister's rave reviews (she got the same one) inspired me to try a few recipes out. I will spare you the details of all the good food we've eaten, but we are eating like Kings.

Normally I am not a very confident cook. There are some dishes I can cook and am pretty sure are freaking delicious, but beyond those 2 or 3 things I'm pretty lost. I can follow a recipe, but am just too lazy or unsure about what to pick. Now that I'm into this Paula Deen book I feel much better about things. Shoot, there are even leftovers for lunches! Neat.

Keith is now officially an Oregon State student...again. Winter term started today and he is enrolled in a 3 credit e-class. We graduated years ago in 2005 and I feel bad that he has more to go still. Stupid! He has to take it so he can keep his Oregon teaching license current...or something like that. I can't say I know all the details, but it's a necessity.

Speaking of Oregon, last night at dinner we told our teacher homies (or a couple of them anyway) we were planning to move back. When we made the announcement they didn't seem to mind. Talk about anti-climactic! I don't know if they weren't surprised at the news or just can't wait for us to leave. I was a little disappointed they didn't scream to the heavens, "why? why God, why?!" They must have been crying on the inside. Here are a couple pictures from last night. Darla made an AMAZING Mexican dinner. Homemade taquitos are the shizz.

[Cam and B have fun]

[Christina... and Tim's scary smile]

[Cherina's bedroom eyes]

[Cherina, Kristie, Darla]

[Mac was the BEST babysitter that night]


  1. What? You guys are moving back? That's no fun! We haven't hung out enough yet!! Actually, I can't blame you. I would move there too!! It's beautiful!!

  2. You guys can't move! WHY GOD WHY!?


So, whaddya think?

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