Today was a great day! We started off with a "surprise" breakfast organized by Keith. I was told to be ready to go by 7:45...we ended up at Martha Greens' 'The Eating Room' and can I just say YUMMMY.
We finished up our meal and it was time for church. I love our church. The people are the best part (well of course it's not about the people, it's about God, but you's a good place!) - the church always manages to do special things on days like today. This time was no exception :) Roses and Sees candy were handed out to all mommies. Woot! I even scored a leftover bouquet from the refreshment table. It's all about who you know. Ha!
Then it was off shopping with Katie for a few's never a GREAT day without just a little shopping. DOY! So this was a necessity although we weren't shopping for ourselves - it's for a baby shower! People keep having babies and this is very exciting. Babies everywhere! I really can't wait to meet Baby Ethan (Steele)...hurry up, Christina! :)
When we got back the three of us managed to squeeze in some quality buttboarding time before it was time for the next activity.
We ended the day with a BBQ with the Millsoms and Hansons (roomies' family). They are such great people, always fun to hang out with! Cameron, as always, kept the crowd entertained. He learned a new skateboarding trick...with the help of daddy.

Yes, this was the best Mother's day I've ever had...even though I've really only had 2.5 (if you count me as a pregnant "mommy") - there haven't been many in the past but this one was really good. I love being a mom! Thanks Cameron for being born and for being such a doll! I am going to say it because it's mother's day and this is my our blog - our kid is the best kid on the planet!!! The cutest and smartest :)
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